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ConfigurationSquidGuard Manager need some configuration informations. They are stored into the squidguardmgr.conf file. During the automatic installation this file is self generated. SQUIDGUARD /usr/local/squidGuard/bin/squidGuardThis directive allow you to configure the path to the SquidGuard program. If you set it to off or no, the SquidGuard Manager interface will be disabled and it will only show the SquidClamav Manager interface. CONF_FILE /usr/local/squidGuard/squidguard.confConfigure the path to the SquidGuard configuration file. SQUIDCLAMAV /usr/bin/squidclamavPath to the SquidClamav program when using SquidClamav v5.x branch and must be set to 'c-icap' when you're using v6.x branch. C_ICAP_SOCKET /var/run/c-icap/c-icap.ctlPath to the c-icap control socket. Used by SquidClamav Manager to reconfigure the c-icap server to apply SquidClamav configuration changes. Used only with SquidClamav 6.x branch. SC_CONF_FILE /etc/squidclamav.confPath to the SquidClamav configuration file. LANG en_USUsed to set the language, default is en_US. Current translation are: en_US, fr_FR. SQUID_WRAPPER /var/www/squidguargmgr/squid_wrapperCommand wrapper to reload Squid. You must use this wrapper as squid can only be reload as root. This wrapper will execute the following system command as root user: /usr/local/squid/sbin/squid -k reconfigure IMG_DIR /squidguargmgr/imagesSquidGuard Manager base URL where images are stored. CSS_FILE /squidguargmgr/squidguardmgr.cssSquidGuard Manager Style Sheet CSS URL. JS_FILE /squidguargmgr/squidguardmgr.jsSquidGuard Manager Javascript URL. LOG_LINES 1000Number of last lines displayed from log files. DNSBL your.preferred.blacklist.com,other.preferred.blacklist.comComma separated list of DNS Blacklists if you have SquidGuard 1.5 or more put here the DNSBL you want to use. TAIL, FIND, DIFF, RM, GREPThese optionals configuration directives are used to overide the default path to the system commands /usr/bin/tail, /usr/bin/find, /usr/bin/diff, /usr/bin/rm and /usr/bin/grep. |